I mentioned something super important in a previous blog postAbout splitting your ad variations by CUSTOMER AVATARBut many people aren't sure how to do that.Here's exactly how in 3 minutes.What is a customer avatar?In basic terms, it's who your target customer is.It includes characteristics of that person, like their demographics:Gender, Age, LocationAnd more complicated psychographics, such as their interests, desires and problems.

What do they do in their spare time?What's their job?But even deeper…What is their situation, what is their pain point?How can we relate to this human?It's likely your product can target 2 or more avatarsAnd this is what you would testEXAMPLE:Your Product = Mindful JournalAVATAR 1- Busy mother, mid 30s, kids running about the house, need to rush and get them packed up and out to school, then clean the house, do the shopping, prepare the dinner, maybe have an argument with a spouse, maybe they're stressed with no time to themselves.AVATAR 2- Young women, late teens, in college, boyfriend trouble, no one replying to her Snapchat, homework overload, sad and anxious in bed doom scrolling.Two completely different AvatarsTwo totally different situationsBut two real-life scenarios

Both paint a great picture of someone you can help with your productEnter mindful journalBy showcasing the Avatar and that situation above in your videoYou will speak specifically and with relevance to your customer.They will see themselves in that videoAnd they will pay attentionMore Attention = More ClicksMore Clicks = More PurchasesThat is exactly what we do here and why are amongst the best at it in the industryWe create ads for the right personMake them feel somethingAnd increase our chances of getting sales.If you want to do this for your brand, book in the call todayWatch the video here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvfYDkQqwb2/BOOK A FREE CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/life-like-media-sales/creative-discovery-call